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The process of becoming a U.S. citizen

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The process of becoming a U.S. citizen

While it isn’t impossible for you to work and live in America without becoming a citizen, there are often many advantages that come with citizenship. These advantages can include the right to gain a U.S. passport, the right to vote, and the right to work under any employee at any location. Here at U.S. Law Center, we see many legal immigrants, just like you, who want to become a U.S. citizen. We understand the importance of such a goal.

Before you apply for naturalization, there are several things that you must first fulfill and these include the following categories:

  • Loyalty
  • Character
  • Residency
  • Knowledge

Most of these requirements can be met with minimal hassle. For example, a good moral character can be proven simply by showing that you have no arrests on your record. Even if there are a few blemishes, there are steps that you can take which will leave your record clear in time for the application to be made. Knowledge can be proven by passing certain tests which are designated for naturalization. This can include an English test as well as a U.S. civics test, and you can study for both ahead of time.

Meeting the residency requirement involves the use of documentation. You will need to show physical proof that you have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years. You must also show proof of residency in whatever United States Citizenship and Immigration Services district you send your papers from. Declaring loyalty to the Constitution is generally the final and easiest part.

Once these categories have been met, the steps to becoming a U.S. citizen can be started. To learn more, please visit our naturalization page.

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The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.
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