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Using employment to gain health coverage

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Using employment to gain health coverage

Immigrants in Riverside may be unfortunately aware of the fact that the ACA isn’t the best plan out there for health coverage, despite its pitch as an all-inclusive program. However, being left out of health coverage can be circumvented through various tactics, including taking up residence with a work visa under your belt.

Unfortunately, undocumented immigrants are not included in the coverage that the ACA healthcare plan outlines. This means that in California alone, there are around 1 million residents who may not be able to benefit from ACA related programs, which is a limitation that is causing distress to many immigrant communities and immigrant activists alike.

However, there are still other ways for undocumented immigrants to get healthcare while they wait for their permanent citizenship. This can include getting a work visa, which would put the immigrant under the care of an employer or company. There are many companies that offer health care plans to their employers, which could mean that any employee can register for insurance through the company itself. Some health plans may be a little more costly than others, but it opens up a new option for immigrants who are struggling with the current health care option.

This is a semi-temporary fix for things due to the fact that the health coverage only lasts as long as the employment does. Because of that, it may be wise for anyone looking into this option to contact an attorney and make certain that there aren’t any potential loopholes that they could fall through after becoming employed.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Healthcare options for undocumented immigrants,” Lisa Zamosky, Apr. 27, 2014

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