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Trump throws support behind point system-based immigration bill

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Trump throws support behind point system-based immigration bill

Obtaining a green card or becoming a U.S. citizen is the ultimate goal for many workers who come to California. Immigration reform has been a central aim for the Trump administration and now President Donald Trump has publicly supported a bill that would drastically alter the methods for determining who is eligible to become a permanent resident.

According to CNN, the bill proposes to rate candidates using a point system. Points would be given in a number of different categories and only those who make the grade would be eligible to receive a visa. For example, a person with an advanced degree would earn more points than someone who did not go to college. Additional points are available for those with extraordinary achievements, such as Olympic athletes and Nobel Prize winners.

Priority would also be given to those who are English speakers and those who are considered an ideal age for incoming workers. Spouses of those who apply who wish to come to the U.S. will also be ranked and assigned points.

However, ABC News points out the bill faces strong opposition in Congress from both sides of the aisle. If passed, the bill would reduce the number of legal immigrants coming into the U.S. by half. Supporters argue that this will greatly reduce the number of immigrants collecting welfare benefits from the government. However, opponents counter that fewer immigrants would lead to lower wages and reduced employment prospects for Americans. Some have also expressed concern about how it would affect local and state economies that rely on immigrant labor.

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