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Sanctuary state bill earns support from police chiefs

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Sanctuary state bill earns support from police chiefs

While immigration is an important and timely topic that concerns people all across the United States, California is home to an especially large number of residents from other countries. Therefore, the state and its municipalities are constantly seeking to amend and adapt laws and policies with this in mind.

In response to President Donald Trump’s goals of tightening immigration enforcement since he took office, lawmakers in California have introduced a bill that would make California a sanctuary state. Certain cities have already designated themselves as sanctuary cities, meaning authorities in those areas do not expend time or resources on enforcing immigration laws or investigating people’s immigration status. The bill would make that policy applicable to the entire state.

Changes have recently been made to the proposed bill, which led Governor Jerry Brown to express his support. Law enforcement agencies have been opposed to the bill, largely because it would restrict their ability to work cooperatively with their federal counterparts. The amendment allows local authorities to transfer immigrants who have been convicted of certain crimes to federal authorities.

With that change, police chiefs across the state have come on board. However, the sheriffs still oppose the bill. Since they are the ones that are in charge of most jails, the legislation would affect them more seriously and also do the most political damage given that sheriffs are elected.

People who are seeking assistance in connection with their immigration status may wish to contact an experienced attorney.

Source: U.S. News & World Report, “California Police Chiefs End Opposition to Sanctuary Measure,” Jonathan J. Cooper and Elliot Spagat, Sept. 12, 2017

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