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President’s plan could aid unauthorized immigrants in California

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President’s plan could aid unauthorized immigrants in California

When teenagers get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, their decision could affect them for the rest of their life. Whether they are involved in an accident that causes serious injuries or loss of life or are pulled over and charged with underage drunk driving, it is important for teenagers and their parents to understand the consequences of underage DUI. In Virginia Beach and throughout the state of Virginia, people who are struggling with underage drunk driving charges should closely analyze the ins and outs of their situation and pinpoint the best path forward.

On their website, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration takes a look at some of the consequences of underage drunk driving, such as vehicle impoundment and forfeiture, license revocation and the mandatory use of an ignition interlock device. Other consequences that teenagers convicted of drunk driving may face include jail time, a damaged reputation, hefty fines and a criminal record that will haunt them for years. Additionally, it is important for people to remember that with zero tolerance laws, teenagers may face charges even when they have a blood alcohol level well below .08 percent.

Families who are struggling with a teenager who has an addiction to alcohol or drugs should try to address the issue immediately and could benefit from some of the treatment strategies listed on the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s website. From the twelve step approach to cognitive behavioral therapy and interventions, there are many ways that families can try to address teen drinking and prevent underage drunk driving.

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