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Path to citizenship smoothed out for some Los Angeles immigrant youths

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Path to citizenship smoothed out for some Los Angeles immigrant youths

Riverside residents may be well aware of the deportation risks that many immigrants face daily. This might be because the immigration population is so large making the issue one that everyone has at least a small degree of experience with. When it comes to registering for citizenship in order to avoid that deportation risk, having the time to fill out all of the paperwork can make a world of difference.

The federal Deferred Action program is one way to ensure that the immigrant youth population has the chance they need to gain their U.S. citizenship. With this program, an immigrant youth can defer deportation by up to two years. The deferral period can then be used by the youth to get all of their paperwork in order. It may also give them enough time to have it processed, allowing them to become a citizen in the deferral period.

However, there is currently a very low enrollment rate for the program. Those who sponsor it wish to see 100% participation due to the fact that no one is entirely certain how long the program will last. Many wish for immigrant youths to take advantage of it while it is available and some are offering workshops to help increase involvement.

Programs like this are designed to make the path to citizenship easier. More are cropping up every year. However, the path to citizenship can still be a struggle. If you are in a situation in which you may need help with immigration related issues, consulting an attorney may be the help you need.

Source: Southern California Public Radio, “Los Angeles Mayor’s Office offers help to defer deportation for young immigrants”, Josie Huang, Oct. 19, 2013

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