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Immigrants seek shelter in churches

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Immigrants seek shelter in churches

Some citizens of Riverside are likely well aware that the battle for immigration reform leading up to an easier path for U.S. citizenship is currently raging. However, there is also a battle against deportation which is currently heating up that might need a little more attention due to the effects that it could have on the changing tide of Congress opinion on immigration law reform.

One pastor is going beyond the call of duty by joining the many people who have begun immigration-related fasts over the past couple of months. The man, who is the head of a Latino church, has stated that he will only be drinking water until he has the allegiance of 1000 other churches. His intent is to get churches in the area to give shelter to men and women who face deportation.

Though deportation has dropped in 2013, there were 360,000 immigrants that were expelled from the country, making it a large issue that has not yet gone away. This is why the man has decided to renew his efforts to draw attention to the issue of immigration reform while simultaneously doing something to protect the immigrants who are currently caught in the political battle.

For many immigrants currently facing legal strife, this sort of act can be a lifeline. However, sometimes a little more help is necessary. This is when it might be beneficial for an attorney with experience in immigration issues to be called upon, since they are trained to know what to do in such delicate legal situations.

Source: Daily News, “Activists are calling for more churches to become sanctuaries for immigrants in danger of being deported”, Dec. 22, 2013

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