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Immigrants await potentially new citizenship path options

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Immigrants await potentially new citizenship path options

The Riverside immigration activist populace may already be aware of the fact that there is a group steadily trying to put alternative methods for citizenship paths on the table lately. For those immigrants who wish to obtain their green card, an easier method may be just around the corner.

After the stalling that has been going on in regard to immigration reform lately, many people are trying to use this lull as a springboard for putting alternative paths to citizenship on the table. It has been said that the failure of many immigration bills so far has been due to people assuming that they will have to shoulder a much higher cost. Some people even call the new proposed measures as being amnesty in essence.

However, there are also many supporters of the new measures that have been suggested. Supporters say that it will aid immigrants greatly, especially with some measures angling to make it easier for immigrants to attend college with in-state tuition and get their licenses, no matter what their legal status might be. Additionally, there are built-in precautions which would make it more difficult for the federal government to arrest or detain people just based on state suspicion.

This could be considered something of a comeback from bills like Arizona’s SB 1070. However, many immigrants are caught in the lurch in the meanwhile, suffering from the downsides of having harsh immigration laws in place. If you are currently facing issues regarding obtaining citizenship or facing detainment, you may wish to contact an immigration attorney for help.

Source: The Bugle, “Groups chart alternative immigration reform course for states,” Colton Gavin, Apr. 1, 2014

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