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Hope for immigration reform diminishes

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Hope for immigration reform diminishes

Residents of Riverside County may be aware of the battle for immigration reform that has been waging for quite a while now. As immigration law stagnates and becomes more of an issue, more people both in and out of immigrant communities begin to notice, leading to what many believe is a class of policies and ideologies.

Boehner has delivered yet another reason for people to believe that immigration issues bring out the most irreconcilable differences in parties. The House minority leader recently went to speak to him during a visit to a Texan border patrol facility. However, instead of reaching a compromise, she returned stating only that the situation was not looking hopeful.

To some, this may prove that cooperation isn’t possible even in the face of what many are calling an immigration crisis. The crisis has spawned from a huge number of immigrant youths moving up from South America in recent months, which has lead to the usual number of migrants being doubled since last October alone. However, even with two times as many youths ending up in America, a bipartisan agreement still seems like a distant plan that no one has yet been able to make work.

Despite the fact that there is currently a lot of argument and disagreement in regard to what should be done about our immigration system in general and certain specific immigrant-related issues, there are still some avenues that can be used in order to obtain citizenship. Immigrants who are currently trying to work with immigration law to become citizens may wish to contact an attorney.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Pelosi visits border facility, says immigration reform unlikely,” Maya Srikrishnan, June 28, 2014

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