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DACA is ending but there may be hope for those affected

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DACA is ending but there may be hope for those affected

When the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was launched by President Barack Obama, it aimed to help people who immigrated to Riverside County and other areas as children to obtain work permits and avoid deportation. President Donald Trump has announced that the program will be ending and has given Congress six months to pass a legislative solution. According to NPR, there are a few different versions of what such a solution may look like.

At this point, it is unclear if a final bill would address only this issue or aim to tackle immigration on a large scale. The bills currently up for consideration vary greatly. Everything from extending DACA until a permanent solution can be decided on in the future to giving those affected a path to permanent citizenship is on the table.

In order for DACA recipients to qualify for citizenship, they will likely have to meet certain criteria. Mandatory requirements such as military service, employment and education are included in some of the proposed bills, although the periods for those things vary. Those who have criminal backgrounds may not be eligible for citizenship under some versions.

Meanwhile, President Trump faces a legal battle over his decision to end DACA. The Los Angeles Times reports that lawsuits have been filed by 15 states in an attempt to stop the controversial repeal. Attorneys for those states argue that the move is discriminatory and that it was not enacted through the proper procedural channels. No ruling by a federal judge has yet been issued.

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