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Californians show support for chance at immigration reform

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Californians show support for chance at immigration reform

Riverside residents may be well aware that the lull in immigration reform protest is coming to an invigorated end. Once again, proposals are being made to alter immigration law to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens. Because of this push, there has been another upswing in demonstrations which may help achieve the end goal of a better path to citizenship.

Reform benefits are becoming well known. The current reform plan might help 11 million undocumented people gain citizenship within 13 years. There are several potential reasons that people are starting to press for reform again. For one, there are no big external threats that are currently poised to harm the United States. Additionally, the government shutdown is no longer an issue. Since there are no large blocks like that, now might be considered a good time for reform to occur.

Though the path to change has been slow going, it has been reported that immigration reform support has been growing more diverse due to the high number of different factions supporting it. Since most of the ground work has already been accomplished, many believe that now is the best time to push these changes forward, freeing immigrants from the underground economy that they are currently trapped in.

Even though many steps forward are being taken right now, there are still many undocumented people who are left battling with immigration issues. If you are suffering with issues related to immigration, the advice of an attorney who specializes in handling immigration cases may benefit you.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Revive immigration reform”, The Times editorial board, Oct. 27, 2013

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