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California immigrants get fairer detention through Trust Act

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California immigrants get fairer detention through Trust Act

Those in Riverside may find themselves impacted by immigrant reform due to the dense immigration population of the area. Because of this tie with the immigrant community, a number of citizens know of the many struggles toward citizenship equality and the fight for an easier path to citizenship that immigrants face. They know just how important even the smallest steps in the right direction can be.

This is seen clearly in the Trust Act, recently signed by California’s governor. This act makes vital changes in immigration detention laws that can keep detained immigrants from being unfairly deported, giving them a better chance to attain citizenship one day. The Trust Act has been called both practical and reasonable. The Obama Administration announced earlier in the year that immigrants who commit minor crimes will not be targets for deportation and California is following suit.

If properly enacted and followed, this act has the potential to keep unfair detainment and deportation from happening to minor immigrant criminals. With the Trust Act in place, it is illegal to place an immigrant under 48-hour holds unless the crime is severe. Because of this, immigrants who commit minor crimes will no longer be held beyond the legal limit.

It is believed by some that this act is a step in the right direction. Despite this, many immigrants still struggle daily with the hardships of attaining citizenship or being deported before they can attain it. If you struggle with similar immigration issues, consulting an attorney may help.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Signing Trust Act is another illegal-immigration milestone for Brown”, Patrick McGreevy, Oct. 5, 2013

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