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California Congress members pass the fast

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California Congress members pass the fast

Those in Riverside who are active in the fight to change immigration law are likely already aware of the 22 day fast that occurred over Thanksgiving. Though the fast ended on Tuesday, many in Congress are now taking up the torch as well in a show of solidarity.

The effort to overhaul the immigration system is a huge focal point as of late, especially in states with high immigration populations like California. The House is what is currently being waited on, since the Senate approved an immigration bill that included a citizenship path back in June. However, only a small number of House Republicans vocalized their support for this path and Speaker Boehner has disallowed a vote unless a majority shows support.

In order to gain more support in the House, both Congress members and activists alike are beginning to fast. This is to show support for immigrants and to draw House Republican attention to the issue. Though the fast started with Eliseo Medina, which ended on Tuesday, it is being carried on by members of the Congress who each fast for a 24 hour period and the pass the fast on to another member of congress, with the exception of Jose Medina, who fasted for three days. So far there are five Congress members confirmed for participation.

The battle to draw attention to immigration issues is constantly heating up and gaining momentum. Despite that, many immigrants are left in the lurch while the government works itself out. If you are currently struggling with immigration issues that cannot wait for reform, it may be wise to consult an attorney.

Source: The Press-Enterprise, “IMMIGRATION FAST: Takano fourth congressman to join”, David Olson, Dec. 5, 2013.

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