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The impact of Californian pro-immigration activists and Latinos

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The impact of Californian pro-immigration activists and Latinos

Many living in Riverside have people who are immigrants in their lives. Whether they are friends, neighbors, or coworkers, immigrants make up a large part of California, and all of North America. Due to the geographical location, many immigrants are from South America. This is why the potential changes to immigration law may be seen as a hot button issue, especially when it involves Latinos.

California is currently being viewed as “a cautionary tale for Republicans” by some. This is because government officials who have taken anti-immigration stances may risk losing the vote of Latinos. That is one way large Latino populations are persuading politicians to support reform within our current U.S. immigration law. Without the vote of such a large chunk of the population, many who do not support immigration reform are not making it into office.

Outside of Latinos, many non-immigrants are also standing up and supporting reform along with certain political figures, including some Republicans. Together with pro-immigration activists, they may make the push necessary to change the current immigration system, making it easier for immigrants to acquire U.S. citizenship.

Due to the far reaching nature of immigration issues and the large number of people that immigration law changes may impact in the future, the press to reform immigration law is growing every day. The support for reform grows daily as well. In the meantime, if you are struggling with immigration issues and need guidance, it may be in your interest to consult the experienceof an attorney.

Source: The New York Times, “House Republicans in California Find a Struggle on Immigration”, Jennifer Medina, Sep. 7, 2013

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