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House Republicans and Democrats at odds over immigration reform

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House Republicans and Democrats at odds over immigration reform

While immigration reform continues to be a primary political question in the House of Representatives, the chances of a resolution before the fall session is not likely.

As we have highlighted in prior posts, the debate between Democrats and Republicans will be a long and arduous one. As Congress heads towards a month-long break in August, little progress has been made. According to an ABC report, House Republicans have given a little ground on the issue of a citizenship path for undocumented immigrants. Essentially, they have embraced the idea of offering citizenship to children brougtht into the country illegally.

However, the reaction from the White House and House Democrats suggests that many more discussions are to be had in Congress before the proposal gains consensus. Nevertheless, it appears that some Republicans are recognizing the impact and benefit of immigration reform. Before the Senate passed its own bi-partisan version of the bill, many House Republicans were completely opposed to offering citizenship to illegal immigrants, even if they were brought into the country as children.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said that “we as a nation should allow this group of young people to stay in the U.S. legally.”

While the slight change was a welcome respite to some Democrats who still insist that a citizenship path be an essential part of any reform package, others believed that it was a poor effort that was lacking foresight. Goodlatte’s statement drew criticism on Twitter from President Obama’s Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer, which led to angry rebukes from House Republican leaders.

Indeed, both sides are far apart in reaching an accord.

Source: ABC, House GOP, Democrats clash over immigration reform, July 23, 2013

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